时间:2012-07-03 09:58 责任编辑:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 来源:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 点击: 次
Lavrov visited China earlier this week to attend a meeting of the SCO foreign ministers.
dear all : it is my first time to write something here, i really don't understand why you are so angry with china , actually , Russian help india a lot , they sold hi-technology weapons to indian goverment ,not china . indian are not happy with chinese , it is too stingy to work with due to 62 war between two countries , we should forget what had happened before , we need start to work with each other ,and ordinary people will be benifit from the good relationships and trade.
The common factor is both are anti-USA.
Would India like to be a depent or indepent country? I guess the GREAT Gandhi would say "independent". But what I have seen is India is more and more dependent on US and UK now without its own decision in handling international affairs.
He has gone to have some fun with the young Chinese girls the Chinese government will give him to play with.
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