时间:2012-07-03 09:58 责任编辑:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 来源:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 点击: 次
The awakening of the dragon.......the development has a particular significance as far as India is concerned.
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Pronoy Kumar Ghose (Silchar)
Congrats, China for development in space science. Our India is following
Aloke Kumar (Dhanbad)
china is not too ahead but ya.. 10 years ahead in space science... its only a matter of time that our ppl ll be on moon before china.. so just wait n watch !
Deepak (Bangalore) replies to Aloke Kumar 10 mins ago
We have all the capabilities but unfortunately our political people are lacking the will to take decisions unless that involves percentage cuts!. Thats why there is a saying ’when politicians sleep India grows!’
Ninad Varadkar (Bahrain)
China has many draw backs and weaknesses.......but they have always excelled in developing technology though most of it is copied, their Political class have the will and ability to take such decisions and also they have the power to defy their neighbours and also the UN and maintain their stand.............
anku6 (New Delhi)
Now India will get up and start planning for a manned space flight 10 yrs from now. This is called a sleeping Govt. or a Corrupt Congress Govt. These guys are so busy in making money that they wake up only after china does something.
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