时间:2012-07-05 10:00 责任编辑:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 来源:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 点击: 次
Bryan · 7 hrs ago
so who’s idea was it not to include them and their bucks in the "international" space station·
don 2 hrs 19 mins ago
Republican Wolf and Hall .... They are both hard core anti china. They have forbidden NASA to not even have contact with china and their space progam.
James · 7 hrs ago
WE were 40 years ahead of China in manned space exploration. Now our government is standing still waiting for them to catch up and pass us. And don’t think the Chinese are not going to use space as a military tool and become a huge threat.
Tony · 4 hrs ago
It won’t be much of a military tool because the Chinese have very little experience with how human physiology changes in space. They can’t keep human spies up there forever and ever.
A Yahoo! User · 2 hrs 57 mins ago
James. Can you name one thing we use for the majority of people that our exploration has accomplished· I’m 66 yo and I cannot except foam mattresses that are over priced
don · 2 hrs 46 mins ago
We still are ahead of the Chinese. They have launched 6 people in 9 YEARS.
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