时间:2012-07-03 10:32 责任编辑:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 来源:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 点击: 次
Oh yes, the Russians and the Chinese have always been SO commendable when it comes to protesters and HUMAN RIGHTS.
You can lay the next round of dead civilians directly at their feet.
Well, here comes WWIII. Time to get rid of these radical regimes once and for all! The Chinese and Russian people would hold celebrations in the streets!!!
Well, in this case US should help the government’ opposition, providing them with weapons and may be even training so they can do their own revolution. Those guys don’t mind to die for what they believe so if you give them direction and weapons they will take care of their own problem.
Not surprised. Russia and China are oppresive regimes with total disregard for human dignity and rights.
No suprise here, both countries have a long history of slaughtering there own. So why should they be interested in stopping a leader from doing the same.
we must not allow Obama to commit another US plane or solider to his private obsession with Middle Eastern politics. We now have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Uganda (?) and the Sudan (??? and now we are being greated by Obama to believe that we need to spend more US lives and resources in Syria and Iran. We have never had so many troops in war since WWII.
If our troops were to liberate Syria, does anyone think we will be appreciated for it? It is more likely that they will voice their hate for US while they burn our flag.
Morality aside, let talk straight Machiavellian RealPolitiks.
Only the US can reasonably sustain any military intervention beyond its adjacent countries. Furthermore, Russia and China are not part of any military alliance that can militarily intervene beyond adjacent countries. Of course they will object.
As to those who feel we should never militarily intervene, military intervention is a tool. The wisdom of intervention is a case by case decision. Using a hammer to fillet salmon is a bad idea. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a hammer around the house.
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