时间:2012-07-03 10:32 责任编辑:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 来源:鸿运赌场_世界第一赌场-平台注册 点击: 次
BEIJING — Ahead of U.N. discussions on Syria, a conference of Central Asian nations Thursday rejected outside military intervention to end the violence there and called for a domestic resolution.
北京 -- 周四,在联合国讨论叙利亚问题之前,一个中亚的会议拒绝外部军事力量干预来终止该国的暴力并呼吁达成国内协议。
China and Russia, both attending the Beijing summit, have been seen as protecting the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, blamed for a harsh crackdown on a 15-month popular uprising.
中俄两国都参加了在北京的峰会,被认为要保护巴沙尔阿萨德的政权,并谴责了一次对一个着名的长达 15 个月的人民起义的残酷镇压。
A joint statement from the 6-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization said "all violent behavior in Syria must stop" and said the group supports a broad domestic dialogue that respects Syria’s sovereignty and independence. It said the SCO members oppose military interference, unilateral sanctions and the "forced transfer of power."
Despite widespread international condemnation of its actions, Syria’s government has survived through a combination of brutal repression and the political backing of Moscow. Along with China, Russia has twice blocked U.N. condemnations and punitive actions against the regime.
Activists say as many as 13,000 people have died in Assad’s crackdown against the anti-government uprising. One year after the revolt began, the U.N. put the toll at 9,000, but many hundreds more have died since.
有激进分子说在阿萨德对反政府起义的镇压中,已经有 13000 人死亡。起义发生一年后,联合国公布的死亡人数为 9000, 但之后又有无数人死亡。
The statement from the SCO, which includes Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, comes as international envoy Kofi Annan on Thursday will propose tasking a group of world powers and key regional players including Iran to come up with a strategy to end the conflict, U.N. diplomats said.
Annan will present the United Nations with a plan for creating a "contact group" whose final proposal must be acceptable to Syria’s allies Russia and China as well as the U.S. and its European allies, who insist Assad must go, they said.
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